2016 Lishi VW HU162 T(10) 2 in 1 Auto Pick Decoder

The genuine LISHI tools inventor Mr. Li shows his brand 2016 super new tool for HU162 tool, this HU162 T(10) 2 in 1 auto lock and decoder is used for new VAG locks with 4 side cuts and 6 inner cuts, these locks are normally seen on VAG vehicles with proximity access like Audi TT and VW Passat from 2015.

			2016 Lishi VW HU162 T(10) 2 in 1 Auto Pick Decoder

And hopefully VW have now got better things to be worried about rather than making any more changes to the locks for a while.

What’s the differences between lISHI VW HU162(T9) 2 in 1 and Audi HU162 T (10) 2 In 1 decoder?

			2016 Lishi VW HU162 T(10) 2 in 1 Auto Pick Decoder

			2016 Lishi VW HU162 T(10) 2 in 1 Auto Pick Decoder

One has 9 cuts and one has 10 cuts , 9 cut has 3 side cuts , 10 cut has 4 side cuts , and reverse key sections of each other , the conventional cuts have 5 key heights on 10 cut the side cuts use just 4 heights on 10 cut side cuts are opposite cut to conventional cut , 9 cut has 4 key heights on conventional cuts and 4 key heights on side cuts and again side cut is opposite height to conventional cut by reverse section i mean a bit like hu66 and hu92 as an example and hu100 and hu100r, so as different key sections they are different tools . 10 cut used on prox key models 9 cut on non prox models , then there’s also the 8 cut with no side cuts used on some models too.

See also
TM100 Key Programmer System Error mfc110u missing (solved)

Video Column:

How to use LISHI Audi HU162 T(10) 2-in-1 Auto Pick

Lishi HU162 VAG2015 with 4 side cuts + 6 inner cuts

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