How to update OBDSTAR X300 Pro3 Key Master

The SKP900 and OBDSTAR X100 Pro replacement-OBDSTAR X300 Pro3 Key Master key programmer software can be free updated online for 1 year. Here is the instruction on X300 Pro3 software upgrade.


How to update OBDSTAR Key Master X-300 Pro3 software?

  1. Update Tool software installation

Download the update tool and diagnostic software on, double click , then go to the next step:


Step 1:Click “Next”

obdstar x300 pro3 multiplexer-1

Step 2: Click “Next

update obdstar x300 pro3 1-2

Step 3: Click “Next”

update obdstar x300 pro3 2-3

Step 4: Click “Finish”

update obdstar x300 pro3 3-4

2. Software Updating

After Update Tool installation completed, click the Update Tool software icon on desktop to start the update tools. Operation steps as following:

     Step 1:Open update tool

update obdstar x300 pro3 4-5

Step 2: Click the source menu, choose the program you want to update, click it and confirm

update obdstar x300 pro3 5-6

Step 3: Click and select all the software then click “update

See also
OBDSTAR X300 DP Adds VAG NEC+24C64, PSA MB cluster calibration, BMW FEM/BDC

Step 4: Wait for several minutes then the updating finished

update obdstar x300 pro3 6-7

Note:For new update software and questions during updating, please contact customer service.

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