Magic Wand+Chip 4D70+F100 program Ford Focus 2015

Here is the instruction on programming Ford Focus 2015 year immo key with new Magic Wand 4C 4D transponder chip generator and OBDSTAR F100 key programmer.
Devices used:
Quickly 4C/4D/46/48 Code Reader
Chip 4D70
Magic Wand 4C 4D transponder chip generator
OBDSTAR F100 Ford/Mazda key programmer
Test original transponder key with Quickly key copy machine Choose read or copy
magic-wand-f100-program-ford-focus-1 Quickly key programmer identified the chip as ID83
magic wand f100 program ford focus 1-1 Try to start the car with the original key It is working.Test new transponder Choose read or copy The chip is identified as 4D 70
magic wand f100 program ford focus 2-2 Try to start the car It is not working.Format 4D 70 to 83 by Magic Wand  magic wand f100 program ford focus 3-3
magic wand f100 program ford focus 4-4 Insert a new transponder key & ignition on magic wand f100 program ford focus 5-5 Then program Ford Focus key with OBDSTAR F100 magic wand f100 program ford focus 6-6 Plug the OBDSTAR F-100 into the OBD socket Select Immo key programming function Select Ford/Lincoln  Check Ford Linocln software V31.22 F-100 initializing Select Ford Select Immobilizer System Select Focus Select New Focus This car is 2015 year, so then we choose Type 2(2014-)
magic wand f100 program ford focus 7-7 Choose “Programming a new key” F100 prompt “Insert a new transponder key & ignition on” reading pin code ignition off ignition on now we own 4 keys could start this car programming key in procedure
magic wand f100 program ford focus 8-8 It takes about 4 min to program Now we get pincode
magic wand f100 program ford focus 9-9 now we own 5 keys could start this car
magic wand f100 program ford focus 10-10 Try to start the car with new key It is working.
See also
OBDSTAR F100 F-100 program key lost for Mazda 6 2013
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