How to use Toyota 4D G chip key programmer

Toyota 4D G Chip Key Programmer is able to add 4D 93C66 G chip key within only 10 seconds safety and efficiently. Toyota G key programmer support adding 1-3 keys even you lost all Toyota G key (support all key lost).

How to use Toyota G Key Programmer?

  • Note: Please try to use ordinary programmer to read out 93C66 data and store it, then follow the next steps to operate.
  • Step 1: remove the ECU immobilizer dump.
  • Step 2: put 93C66 eeprom chip on the TOYOTA G key programmer panel.
  • Setp 3. Connect the USB cable to the computer, the indicator light flash slow, press the power switch, the indicator light begin to flash fast, after 10 seconds the indicator light off, at this time the operation complete.
  • Step 4: Put 93C66 eeprom chip back in the immobilizer dump, and immobilizer dump back to the car, insert the first key, when the immobilizer indicator light off pull out the key, then insert into the second key, when the immobilizer indicator light off you are able to start the car, this operation no need synchronization, very easy to use.
See also
How to use Toyo Key Pro II to Program Toyota 4D 40/80/128 Bit all keys lost

			How to use Toyota 4D G chip key programmer

			How to use Toyota 4D G chip key programmer

			How to use Toyota 4D G chip key programmer

How to manually match Toyota G key?
When the car owner has master key (with black plastic handle), it is able to manually add key, but not able to manually add key with vice key (with gray plastic handle).
Steps: insert master key into electronic door and pull it out for 5 times no need open the door; keep the master key in the lock, then open and close the driver door for 6 times; Finally pull out the master key and insert into the new blank Toyota-G key, wait for one minute, when the immobilizer light off, one new key add successfully, if the immobilizer light on, try one more time

(Note: it only cost one second to insert master key into electronic door and pull it out each time, and only one second to open and close the driver door each time. )

Toyota 4D G key programmer user manual

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