Locksmith Review on CN1, CN2 and YS01 chip

The YS-01 chip review

1) works well with Tmpro2 as TPX1 or TPX2 In fact for all TMpro2 Module software using the usual glass TPX2 transponder, you can use the YS-01 and even when locked you can still configure back this transponder as TPX1.It meant for all TMpro2 module software using the TPX1

2) works well with the Clone Zed bull + EFfi software only as TPX2. for all EFfi Module using as transponder tobe used the TPX2.But as compared with TMpro, once this transponder has been programmed via the EFfi software and locked,it can not be unlocked for further use.Works also for TOYOTA ID 67; 68, 69, 70 Key cloning.

To summarized, so far, i have tested it with TMpro2 that can program many times either as TPX1 or TPX2 and can be programmed only as TPX2 using the Clone Zedbull + EFfi software

TMPRO2 can unlock YS-01 or CN2 even if locked by EFfi and program any of these back as ID4C (TPX1) or ID60,61………70 ( TPX2) except the ID64. In fact i have especially tried YS-01 with Jeep Cherokee(ID64) dump and Tmpro2 without success and got confirmation from BOGI that is does not work

Q: Are there any cases where a customer coming back with issue with YS-01 chipped keys complaining that the key not being recognized after month or years of use?

A: The locksmith master from digital-kaos forum answered never happened to us.

If ys-01 is locked, how to unlock it?

Optional solution 1: ask the seller for unlocked all pages.

Optional solution 2: unlock using cn900 or nd900 key clone machine.

Optional solution 3: You don’t need another transponder – just overwrite the locked transponder with blank YS01 (copy a blank YS-01 over the locked YS-01) and it will be as good as new.

See also
Which Key Programmers for VW Audi 4th 5th Immobilizer?

with any tool if ys-01 is locked,tmpro2 can unlock all 4 pages,hundred time test it:-)

only is bad weak signal and half of them go died with unknown reason…

YS-01 chip and CN1 chip

Q: I have has 3 4C Toyota that fail once the car gets warm.

First thing in the morning, key is fine, drive to shops and car won’t start.

This is with the CN-1 chip which can only be written by my CN900.

I tried to write one of the CN-1 chips with TMpro but it would not recognise it.

I believe there is a difference between the CN-1 and the YS-01 chip and that is where confusion is being created.

Anybody got a link for YS-01 chips?

A: cn1 or ys01 can be written by most tools, but need to unlock first.

CN2 chip Review

I have no problems cloning Chrysler 4D64 keys using the CN2. The last car I did a few days ago would not clone to a TPX2, but worked with the CN2. The descriptions from the China suppliers always say “does not support 4D64”, but it works with Miraclone and internet server. But have never tried to load a dump to the CN2, just cloning.

CN1 chip, CN2 chip and YS01 chip conclusion

CN1, CN2 and YS01 are all the same transponder, currently. They are manufactured from the same manufacturer. They might have been different in the past but now they are the same transponder on the inside. Also YS01 has problems when writing 4D on them(especially on Ford and Toyota) – if you find any of them I recommend using only for 4C(less problems). I have used them for cloning and also for programming with EFFI. TMPro2 also works with them.

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