CN900 “Too long not been updated” solution

Problem 1:

CN900 auto key programmer displayed an error message  “Too long not been updated. Please connect to PC to update“. I then connected the CN900 key clone machine with laptop and install V5.1 setup. But when i connected it with PC, the PC prompted me not need to run an upgrade.

CN900 asked me to update,but the computer told not to update. what to do?

			CN900 “Too long not been updated” solution

Problem 2:

I tried to update CN900 cloner on Windows 7 operating system but failed. Then I changed a Win XP laptop, it worked. Now it works fine.


Run an CN900 update follow instruction. Then re-start the machine.  If you cannot load it on Win 7, then change another Win XP PC.

If the machine still don’t work, please contact technician.

How to update CN900 key programmer online

See also
Program 2019 Subaru Remote by Xhorse Key Tool Plus
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