Zed Bull and TPX Cloner Copy 4D transponder

Here is the step-by-step instruction on cloning 4D chip with Zed Bull transponder key programmer and TPX Cloner module.

1.Please connect JMA TPX cloner Module (copy 4D) to Zed-bull using cable and give power both to Zed-bull and TPX Cloner Module.

			Zed Bull and TPX Cloner Copy 4D transponder

			Zed Bull and TPX Cloner Copy 4D transponder

			Zed Bull and TPX Cloner Copy 4D transponder

  2.Please put original key to zedbull antenna, select “Copy” and press “Enter” and “R” Button.

			Zed Bull and TPX Cloner Copy 4D transponder

			Zed Bull and TPX Cloner Copy 4D transponder

3. Caution! Put the original key and press R! Don’t remove the key during the process!

			Zed Bull and TPX Cloner Copy 4D transponder

4. Press “W” button and select TPX Cloner module.

			Zed Bull and TPX Cloner Copy 4D transponder

			Zed Bull and TPX Cloner Copy 4D transponder

5.Writing, connection and calculating, calculating may take up to 2 minutes.

			Zed Bull and TPX Cloner Copy 4D transponder

6, Calculation Ok, please put TPX2 or EH2 to Zed-BULL antenna and press “W” button.

			Zed Bull and TPX Cloner Copy 4D transponder

7, Verifying, and successful.

			Zed Bull and TPX Cloner Copy 4D transponder

See also
How to Use Autel KM100 Immobilizer Data Processing Function?
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