Zed Bull and TPX Cloner Copy 4D transponder

Here is the step-by-step instruction on cloning 4D chip with Zed Bull transponder key programmer and TPX Cloner module.

1.Please connect JMA TPX cloner Module (copy 4D) to Zed-bull using cable and give power both to Zed-bull and TPX Cloner Module.
Cloning-4D-transponder-using-Zed-BULL-TPX-Cloner-Module-01Cloning 4D transponder using Zed BULL TPX Cloner Module 01-1connect zedbull and tpx 02-2  2.Please put original key to zedbull antenna, select “Copy” and press “Enter” and “R” Button.
give power to zedbull and tpx cloner 03-3put original key to zedbull 04-4
3. Caution! Put the original key and press R! Don’t remove the key during the process!
select copy chip 05-5
4. Press “W” button and select TPX Cloner module.
reading 06-6

press w button 07-7
5.Writing, connection and calculating, calculating may take up to 2 minutes.
select tpx cloner module 08-8
6, Calculation Ok, please put TPX2 or EH2 to Zed-BULL antenna and press “W” button.
calculating 09-9
7, Verifying, and successful.
calculation complete 10-10

See also
Ford Focus 2001 all key lost,what key programmer?
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