Handy baby key programmer copy 4D chip guide

This is the step-by-step instruction on how to copy 4D chip with Cbay/Hand Baby Car Key Copy Auto Key Programmer for 4D/46/48 Chips.

cbay-hand-held-copy-4d-chip-1       ]

1. Turn on the Handy baby key programmer  and enter into menu screen, use arrow button to select your language

cbay hand held copy 4d chip 1-1

2. Put the key into signal coil area and use arrow button to select “COPY”, then wait, it is copying.

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3. After read the date of key, press “OK”

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4. Begin decoding. (If you find the decoding process failure, please operate again.)

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5. Decoding succeed, it will show the key security password.

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6. Put 4D clone able chip into signal coil, press “OK”button.

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7. After cope finished, it has done. If you want to copy more, just replace new chip and press “ok”.

See also
Quickly 4C/4D/46/48 chip copy VS. CN900

cbay hand held copy 4d chip 7-7

8.If you want to reuse the copied chip, please press“Left arrow”to the menu screen, select “RECOVERY” to initialize the chip, then it will be ok to cope again.

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