Zed-Bull Key Programmer copy ID46 to a TPX3 Transponder

Zed Bull car key programmer supports pin code reading for both Hyundai and KIA. As an immobilizer system, Zed-Bull also supports 8c and 8e chip distinguish function. Below we will show you how to clone ID46 chip to a TPX3 Transponder with PC software.

Follow the guide below step-by-step:   
1. Open Zed-Bull software;

			Zed-Bull Key Programmer copy ID46 to a TPX3 Transponder

Click “READ” and then “Write
Confirm the selection of “TPX-3”;

			Zed-Bull Key Programmer copy ID46 to a TPX3 Transponder

Click OK;
Automatically Pop out Zed-BULL 46 Client window;
Click “COPY”;
NOTE: Writing transponder IDE. Do not move the TPX-3 transponder during process.

			Zed-Bull Key Programmer copy ID46 to a TPX3 Transponder

2. Stick the original key and TPX3 together;

			Zed-Bull Key Programmer copy ID46 to a TPX3 Transponder

Insert the key and turn ignition on/off for 5 times;
Take out the key;
3. Back to PC software and click OK;

See also
Autel IM608 Renault Clio V 2020 Asks for Gateway Connector?

Click “COPY”;
NOTE: Please put the original key to Zed-BULL antenna and do not remove during process.
Until pop out message reading Transponder cloning is successful.

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