How to Solve BMW F series smart key failure

BMW F series smart key need to replace remote battery after two years of use, many users think the smart key is damaged if it fail to start the car after the battery is replaced, actually after the battery replaced, it needs to synchronous learning, because the remote battery will lose memory after power supply disconnects for 5 minutes, according to synchronous learning, the key will gain remote and start up the car. However, not all keys need to synchronize after their battery is replaced.

The way to synchronous learning:
synchronous learning
1.Smart key sensing zone.
Put the smart key close to the key symbol of sensing area at the side of steering wheel, press the Start button for at least 10 seconds until the dashboard lights all on, synchronization succeed, slam the brakes and press the Start button, then it can work. This way is also suitable for the newly-matched smart key, for the first fully new smart key synchronization and reorganization.

See also
How to choose a BMW key programmer

2. Start up the button.
bmw key-2
You may be interested in BMW multi tool-BMW CAS Key Programmer, read details at:

Want to make key for both CAS and EWS BMW? Get an additional one CAS plug, read details at:

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