Toyota “G” key all key lost, which key programmer?

Toyota “G” transponder key all key lost, what will it cost us? Programming the new “G” keys is somewhat tricky. Following are some key programmer that support Toyota G key all key lost recommendations.

All these key programmers are designed for professional locksmith and experienced technician.

1. TM100 transponder key programmer

TM100 is the newer key clone machine supporting all key lost, including Toyota “G” key. Here is the instruction on programming Toyota “G” key via TM100.

1) Remove the immolibilizerr box (immo box) from the instrument cluster
2) Read EEPROM 93C66 data via Xprog-M ECU programming tool, then save the data
3) Open TM100 software
4) Select Toyota Camry 2005-up EEPROM module 93C66
5) Click on Open File to load EEPROM 93C66 saved previously
6) Select Use Original Chip (with G chip) and click OK
7) Select “Key Position 1” to write the key
8) TM100 key programmer will generate new data
9) Write the key data into EEPROM 93C66
10) Install the immo box to instrument cluster
11) Start the vehicle with the new programmed key

See also
Program SsangYong Chairman 2001 all keys lot

PS: TM100 comes with full 62 modules and basic module. Full version supports all key lost.

2. VVDI VAG Vehicle Diagnostic Interface

VVDI interface is a comprehensive OBD tool for diagnosis, immo programming, odometer correction, key programming etc. It adds more and more capacities for other vehicle brands besides VAG group.

Here is a Youtube video guide for you to refer:

3. ALLScanner Toyota ITS3 IT3 diagnostic system

ALLSCANNER is the latest automotive diagnostic tool for multi vehicle brands. It is the good choice for Toyota G key programming. But it is currently out of stock. It is replaced by VXDIAG Multi Tool for Toyota, Honda and Jaguar/Landrover. The VXDIAG Multi Tool inherited all advantages/features of Allscanner IT3. What’s more, the VXDIAG tool is compatible with original software. VXDIAG multi tool is especially good for Toyota models 2010 up.

AllScanner IT3 Toyota


VXDIAG Multi Tool

Some other key programmers will do Toyota 4D or G key as well, but some of these will not do all key lost.

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