Car key Copy 4D ID46 with TM100 and Hand BABY key programmer

These days, obd365 newly release two types of 4D and ID46 clone machine: TM100 4D and ID46 Clone Machine and Hand BABY key programmer clone machine for 4D/46/48 chip.

			Car key Copy 4D ID46 with TM100 and Hand BABY key programmer

BABY key copy for 46/48/4D

			Car key Copy 4D ID46 with TM100 and Hand BABY key programmer

TM100 4D 46 clone machine

TM100 4D and ID46 Clone Machine
TM100 is well-known among locksmiths, therefore TM100 4D and ID46 Clone Machine, as the name suggest, need to work with TM100 pro to clone chip for 4D and ID46, and can’t work alone.
Therefore, it only packages with one single adapter.

Details about 46 4D copy chip list:
46 copy chip list: CN3/ TPX4/ GMT 46
4D copy chip list: CN1/ CN2/ TPX2/ EH2/ Common 4D

BABY clone machine for 4D/46/48 chip
This clone machine is handheld, English language available, only special for 4D/46/48 Chips clone.

BABY Key Copy Programmer Recognize and Copy:
Recognize: Recognize chip 13, 40/41/42/44/45, 4C/46/48, 4D61/62/63/67/68/68﹢/71. Able to tell if 48 chip is from original or deputy factory.
Copy: Copy 46, 4D and a partial of original 48 I.E Buick Excelle, you have to use special GMT46/4D Chips, ID48 chips which can change ID.

See also
Which tool to Program Key for BMW R1200GS 2015 Motorcycle?

BABY Key Copy Programmer Initialize:

Please use with caution: only available for JMD46 / 4D and revisable UID48 chip. The data won’t be restored after the chip erased.
Enter program, select the chip type, press “OK” to restore to factory settings.

BABY Key Copy Programmer Test Frequency:
Steps to test the key remote frequency: Enter program, make key close to the surface of left button, meanwhile press remote button, then the frequency will display.

4Dchip clone using 4D 46 48 clone machine

46chip clone using 4D 46 48 clone machine

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