SKP900 Programming ID46 Nissan Key

11 steps of Programming ID46 Nissan Key with SKP900 key programmer.

Step 1 Connect SKP-900 Key Programmer to a Nissan OBD connector via Main Cable, start the car with a remote and wait a few seconds for SKP900 to start.

Step 2 Select Nissan, New Structure and choose Yes to continue.

Step 3 Select Key 1 and choose Yes

Step 4 Select Immobilizer System according to the cars Immo and choose Yes.

Step 5 Wait for a few minutes until SKP900 communicates with the car.

Step 6 Select Function, System Selection then Key Adapt and choose Yes.

Step 7 Choose Yes.

Step 8 According to the instruction on screen, you should insert a new key and turn IGN on. You may see the IMMO indicator light will flash when inserting a key which cannot start engine. Select Yes.

Step 9 Close IGN switch and select Yes.

See also
How to unlock VW ID48 Magic II chip by SKP900

Step 10 Wait for system adapting and then open IGN switch and select Yes.

Step 11 Wait for a few minutes and the key is programmed successfully.

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